I am excited to get to the grand maruti nandan hotel, nathdwara. Just because it was my first meeting at some really great place with some truly earned people who are sharing their best thought for get growing in network marketing company ENAGIC.
it's been two months that I have actively started working on the 2year project of this company with clear focus on spreading health awareness about water and adding health and wealth seeking individuals to the team.
Till date have earned roughly 3 lacks and many more to come. But at this stage this income statement was enough to inspire and connect with people who are working for some boss which they actually not taking them anywhere. But the way they seem busy is driving me crazy and keep me motivated to get them lineup for achieving their dreams that they have creamated long time ago.
The hope of getting what is dreamed is always inspiration and its insanity gets on peak when you have nothing to lose.
Why do I say I have nothing to loose doesn't mean I am living alone! We are joint family of around 10 members ❤️. We all the best characteristics in one self ð and it's truely makes it a Happy Family.
I have been blessed with a baby girl Child and she just completed 5 months at her meternal parents house Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh.
What I believe that "you have abundance of all things in life, only question is are you doing all what is required to get it??" Just the way I see my future. (My means all those who are attached with me). And if I start my focus on spreading health awareness about water and get similar minded people who could duplicate the concept with creative ideas without deviating from the aim, it's quite simple and achievable for one to get whatever goal he/she has dreamed of.
Why I am connecting goal with dreams has a very fine art. The way we dream things could never be designed with open eyes or by our skeptical mind. It needs art and merger of all the beautiful things our heart can guide through.
But once we start dreaming things with our focus on heart, the minute details of the dream makes a very strong impression as a concrete order to the world that has to get crystallised sooner than expected, depending upon the intensity of our belief and our actions towards the achievement.
I have many a times achieved or say received this wonderful opportunity to thank God for giving me what I have thought of once and later it was before me sooner than expected and get me more confident that it truly happens what many thoughtful people say "Law of attraction". It only tests how determined we are and if no factor can change our mind for ordered demand, the nature put its all sources to make it a reality and surprise from divinity within us.
The human on earth has almost did everything that deprives sustainable development and also designed robots with updated AI that can almost do all things that a human can do. The only thing that makes robots different from human is dreams and desires. Dreams and thought full actions can only make an individual as human in its true sense, otherwise to act like a robo means waste of time and energy with something that all other species are working hard to get, i.e. eat, sleep and reproduce!. What else we can make out of our life Ahead that's the only reason we can call ourselves as HUMAN.
Trust me human will become as species which is at the edge of extinction and other lives gonna take charge over human.Just like some random virus ðĶ took a very stunning effect on human all over the world.
Being healthy with immune system and wealthy with abundance is all that we are going to get for self and society at large by doing tiniest efforts in the way of "CHANGE YOUR WATER, CHANGE YOUR LIFE"
Thank you for your time and please let me know your thoughts by comments and feedback. Like this if it connects you and share with your friends if you think it's worth sharing ☺️.
Mahendra Pandil.
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