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Why Struggle? When it's Smoothie!

Hi Friends,

Hope you are doing well!

I must tell you, that You are handling problems in the best way, that come on your way! And you are living absolutely unique life, Because no one knows what's the situation you are in to, and what's at RISK and what is the best you can get.
So cuddos for your breavery and strongness that you have made your life journey till here.

Very Few people would know that river rafting is not only dangerous but also exciting activity. Have you ever experienced the strong water taking on with the Rocks and keep going. 
Just imagine if the river rafting trip was made up of going to the opposite side of the flow of the River?!! How exciting it would be!!! No???

Don't you think if the opposite direction movement would be much more appealing when you complete the journey by going on opposite of the flow?? Wouldn't it be more satisfying and more adventurous then going in the direction of the flow??

Not possible is what you are thinking??

Yes Absolutely, you are true!

You can judge correctly this thing that going in the opposite direction of flow of water is just stupidity. So, why we are doing the same thing in our life every day, Every moment and throughout the life?

Are you Surprised? Don't you getting????

Wait. I will make my point clear soon.

Are you a living creature and keeping your life going by doing whatever your mind says! Right??

Is it true? That in daily life, we give more weight to what our mind says?  And once we verify that all people in our surroundings are also considering thoughts of mind as more valuable, and all others have the similar mindsets as do we have, we find it quite comfortable that yes I am following the correct path!? Isn't it??

Let me ask you one question! 

I know if you are reading this with full compassion, then your mind must had made up many questions that you want to ask me, slow down your horses, you will get answered by the time you complete reading this Blog till end.

Yes, so my question is where is your Charger??

Yes! Your charger! No? Don't know? Or Don't you have it?

Ok okay let me ask it in another way!

Where your power comes from?

Rang any bells???

No? I guess many of you are catching what I am trying to say!

Let me ask you in simple way! What's the power source of your life? What's the pumping station that keeps you alive. What is that simple organ that is the top most for survival?
Yes you are right, it's at the left but Says always right. Your Heart ❤️.

Well, We all are getting whatever power we need to complete our daily tasks from our heart but as we understand mind has some crutial roles, we assume that (The Mind) is the decision maker! Is this true!??

Well you can say so to make it feel comfortable but if we go in depth, all the power that our mind needs is only supplied by our Heart. And if we realise true power of our power house (i.e. Our ❤️). Don't you think by regular practice* you can master the power and (Connect with the flow) chennelise it, the way it should be?

Have you born before 1992?

If yes you must have experienced of adjusting, rotating and correcting Aluminium Antenna on the rooftop to get signal for TV!??

Exactly, as our mind is just a puppet of what our accumulation of data and information, it's just a part of a system. But the true power is generated from our Heart ❤️ and the heart gives necessary energy to The mind and to all the body. And maximum times we surpress our intuition (which originates from our Heart) and we all follow "the mind" which sooner or later results in, we get stuck with situation which creates more time to coming over it. Can we say!! It's just like going against the flow of the river while River rafting.

Do you know how this earth is moving? Is it tilted or its stright? Do you know distances between galaxies are increasing and it's getting far every year and why it's happening? Do you know how the heartbeat comes in the two cells and it becomes life? Do you know.... 

Like there are many things which we don't know but we have gathered some information and data and based on that we assume it's like this or that and we live accordingly. Means we have no control over anything but only ourselves, and we try to take under control of maximum things and we assume it's getting controlled.

What if there is anything that we can do to be with the flow and be totally blissful and get this life journey so smooth and enriching that every moment, every day would be just as a grand celebration and cherishing moments?

Did you like and did your heart responded in an exciting way to know what's it?

So keep me posted what's your Guess?! What I am saying? What hint you got? And what exactly I am trying to convey?

We will continue with the thing in the next Blog and reveal. Till then keep me posted your what you think I am talking about?, Your Guess and your answer. 

I appreciate your valuable time and don't forget to comment your feedbacks!!

So, Do you need closing (Next blog to complete my point) of this blog??

Thank you,

Mahendra Pandil


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