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What belongs to you!!?

Hello everyone,

Thank you for so much love and appreciation of my last blog, and thanks for your comments & likes over social media & website. 👍

Here is something that you all need to think about in your whole life time even just for a minute.

I received one article yesterday with the bottom line of take care of yourself. The whole idea of keeping your health on the top most priority was good but the presentation and words choosen to deliver that message was awesome.

You can find the image of it here.

We always take our health and safety as taken for granted and we then we realise that if we would have taken care of few important things in past. We could have avoided the sufferings that happened only due to being casual on many important decisions of our routine life.

Let's plan on which factors we are completely ignoring in current times, which could be the reason of future health issues.

We are Health & Wealth advisors and have secured more than 25 family as of now by spreading awareness about health.

We do not know how much pollution by air water and food intake is getting deposited in the body, thus the concept of Detoxification is very popular now a days.

Do we have anything that can save our coming generations safer and healthier then us? If we can deliver best to our next generation, then what we have received from our ancestors, that only makes us successful and sustainable. 

Moreover, What do we know about pesticides that wasn't get washed out by our tap water and we cook them daily?

So why we see promotion ads about Insurance policy for Cancer ♋? Isn't it sad to see the insurance company are ready to provide the way to save our expenses not life?

What belongs to us is our life our health and our family's future. .

Let's take steps to ensure that we are not getting the camical from fruit and vegetables in our stomach, let's plan one simple way for getting whole body detoxification from inside on the safest way! Let's invest in our and our family's health first before any other expenses.

Try to find Enagic's Health & Wealth advisor near you and contact them, ask them what is Kangen and try it yourself and get understanding about what is LIVE WATER & DEAD water?

What is Good Water and Bad water!!

I hereby feel proud and pleasure to invite you all to our Nobel cause. Let's get in touch and secure 1lack family by 2021!.

Thank you for your time & give me your comments and feedback about this blog.

Thank you.
Have a healthy lifestyle ahead.👍ðŸĪœðŸĪ›
Mahendra Pandil.


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Hi there, This is mahendra, how z all there? Is it a silly question!!.. Yes it might feel in the first snap Don't feel it that way. I eventually like to get people involved so as they could get their soul less heavy and calm minds So its a very good festivals going on here.. I am little bit tide up in some fleshes. So I just re-thinking past time of the year and getting all the good memories came by my sight. This was my third blog. Which I just started to get some words out from my head to feel social. You might be looking for some fun article here so I don't wanna disappoint you might be some where else not here.. I believe people who ignore their selves, ignore what they actually feel and what they actually willing to do... Eventually time keeps them busy re-routing towards that part which they left unattended.. Until real peace of mind is converted in reality from a mere dream. Physics says every human has its own instincts about everything, and that what makes ...

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